We lost Bobbi Jo Monday at 5:31pm. According to my cousin she passed away quietly and peacefully without pain. They had put her on a morphine drip on Sunday morning and we knew it would only be a matter of time. She went fast, and for that we are grateful. I am so glad that we were able to get down to see her before she passed and that we got to be there to take part in her special day of recognition. I wish she could have been able to be there when they recognized her, but we were able to bring everything to her and she was aware of the honor that was bestowed upon her. And when the time came, she went peacefully with her son by her side. My mom wishes she could have stayed, but how would she have known that Bobbi was going to pass away only two days after she left. She was there when she needed to be, holding her hand, giving her love, sharing life and love when it mattered most.
Bobbi didn’t want any sort of service. She wants to be cremated and her ashes scattered and told her son he better not spend a bunch of money on an urn. I have to agree with Bobbi. It’s ridiculous what they charge for those urns! It’s expensive to die, and I know I don’t want a bunch of my estate spent burying me, so I am totally on the same page with my aunt. I told my kids, they’d better not be spending a bunch of money on urns for me someday either!! We won’t be going back down to San Diego for anything, we were there when she was alive, which is the important part. We can say “I wish I wish I wish” but we did get to see her alive and she knew we were there, and that is what matters.
As for me, I am just exhausted. I feel like I have to just drag myself around and it takes every bit of energy I have to just get up and down out of the chair, much less move around the house or climb the stairs. But I made it to and from San Diego and back in time for the fundraiser on Sunday which went amazingly well by the way! I was so humbled by the turn out and the number of people willing to help me and support me. Thank you thank you! Eddy wrote me a song, which was amazing, and if I can get a video of it, I’ll post it on my facebook (if I can figure out how). It was heartwarming and brought many of us to tears. Amazing.
My goal over the next week is to just get as much rest as possible so that I can go to the Bahamas with as much energy as possible. This trip is so important to me and to my daughter and the loss of my aunt brings it home how precious and limited this life is; we need to take advantage of every opportunity we can to share time together. Life is too short not to hold hands and hearts. Hold tight, never let go. You never know when you will run out of time. Life is a beloved and treasured gift, handle it with care.