Wednesday, March 16, 2011


When was the last time you experienced total unadulterated joy? The type of joy that radiates from your very pores and surrounds you with a rich and velvet satiny sheen. A palatable glow that can be observed by others and they can not only SEE your joy, but actually feel your glee, your merriment, your total and complete elation for this day oozing into them. Or maybe its just for this moment, but it is here, it can be sensed and experienced. Its become an aura that surrounds you and its glow rubs on to all those around you and permeates their pores and then they catch the joy. And it spreads and proliferates and moves and twirls and surrrounds all those near it. Joy. Pure joy. It is a rare thing, this joy of ours, and it can only come from within us and is given to us by God. He hastens to place it there in times of dire need, when all else is failing in your life He gives you joy. And when you get it, it should be shared with everyone you come in contact with since it is such a rare and exquisite commodity.

I found that joy today. It was only for a few moments, I couldn't sustain it, but I grasped on to it and held it as tight as I could and let it trickle through my fingers and fall on the ground around me. I let it splash on to anyone I could find and let them feel the joy. And it spread a smile onto their faces because they didn't know what was happenening, they only knew that they felt better. They felt different because joy was overtaking them and they didn't even know.

So the next time you feel that joy, share it. Willfully and purposefully. Give it to everyone you can. The world will be a better place for your kindness and readiness to share this beautiful gift you share with God. Give it freely. Joy. Its puts a smile all around.