How do you deal with negativity in your life? There is no way around it; negativity pervades our world at every turn. Read the paper, listen to the news, go to the store, work, church, school… there are negative people. The media loves negativity. All that drama makes for good copy. But what about the people around us everyday? I think some people are just naturally negative, half-empty kind of pessimists. Seeing the world as a bad place that is just out to get them. Which I think is pretty sad. How awful to go through your life with that kind of perspective? There are those that are just complainers. They just whine whine whine and can’t seem let go of things that have gone wrong, sins that have been committed against them, seeing the world as a huge dumping ground.
I don’t like to be around negative people, but sometimes you just can’t help it. They are part of our lives and you have to think, what is this person bringing to my life today? Do they have something to say under all that negativity that I should be listening too? I think most of us handle this type of interaction in a few different ways depending on the situation and our own attitude that day. Sometimes we key into the negativity and become a part of the drama, joining in, adding our own complaints, agreeing at every comment, and expanding the tale of woe. Maybe we might get upset with the person and annoyed that they brought this negativity into our world at this point in time… I mean… how DARE they! Sometimes we might tune them out, nod at the right moments and find an opportune moment to bow out of the conversation! But I think the preferred way to deal with it is to find a way to interject the other side of the perspective into the conversation. How can you turn the perspective from a negative to a positive? Can you bring them over to the light from the dark side? I know this isn’t easy, in fact sometimes it’s downright impossible, but think about trying it. The next time you are confronted with a complainer or someone sharing a tale of perceived woe and despair (not real, if they are really in despair, you should probably offer up a good dose of empathy!) try to help them to see the optimistic side. The positive perspective. The side of unwavering goodness and faith. If nothing else, then you have interjected some good energy into their world, and maybe given that person something encouraging to think about. And best of all, you have not taken their negativity into your world and into your spirit. You have protected yourself from the damaging thoughts and not let it invade your soul.
Surround yourself with good thoughts and positive energy. Bring the light of God and the good of the universe into the very core of your being. Before you give energy away, tap into that universal energy, fill yourself up, and then you will have an abundance to give. Then give freely and full of joy. Fill your world with the power of the light. Be the light.
That’s what I want to be. I want to be a light in this sometimes dark world. Life is difficult and it’s hard not to bring the darkness into our lives. There are so many stories of death, sickness and despair; it’s hard to keep an attitude of hope. But that is what we are called to do. We are to keep the faith and keep hope alive. We may not understand the reason, but we have to believe. That’s what I’m going to do, keep believing in a better and brighter today. I’m awake, the sun came up, it’ll just get better from here.