I really enjoyed church on Sunday. Monte wasn't the speaker, and the guy who spoke wasn't that great, he kept talking about how wonderful his 2010 was and all the fabulous things that happened to him and his family which sort of irritated me since my 2010 sucked. I am happy for him and his family that they had a great year, but not all of us did, so acknowledge that. However it was nice to be around the family of God, and singing songs of praise with fellow believers. Monte will be back next week, so I'll go again next week and hear what he has to say about 2011 and what God is going to do for the year. I am counting on Him to make this a better year and I acknowledge my participation in having a good year. I can't just sit back and expect God to just heal me, I must be an active participant in my healing. I must take responsibility for my part. The new drug they have given me has increased my appetite and I have actually gained a few pounds which will make the doctors happy on Monday. I actually had three meals yesterday! That is the first time in months that I have had all three meals. I have been lucky to eat one meal per day. I want to be careful, though, I don't want to gain a bunch of weight and blow back up to fatness again! I like my weight right now, so I need to work on maintenance and correct caloric input to give my body the nutrition it needs to keep fighting this disease.
My CT and MRI are on Friday and I am cautiously optimistic. I am fairly certain that the tumor is still in my brain but I'd be happy to know that it hasn't grown and no additional tumors have shown up in my brain or anywhere else. I hope the contrast fluid goes down better this time. Last time I ended up only keeping down one dose. It was weird, I had never had a problem before drinking the contrast.
I am getting tired of winter already. This winter sure is cold. I don't remember a recent winter with so much moisture and cold, and there is no end in sight! I'm ready for spring, for warm air and bright sunshine. As much as I am enjoying my fireplace I would gladly turn it off for a nice day of sunshine.
I'm off to physical therapy to work on this persistent lymphedema. I am working on getting approval for a new type of machine that works like getting a lymph massage which could really help. Insurance has denied it, so we are appealing. My brother uses one for the lymphedema in his leg and it works great. It is used for one hour per day which is easy to do, watch TV for an hour and let the machine do its work.
Have a great day, keep smiling. As far as 2011, so far so good!