My daughter is definately on the mend. I have hardly had to do anything to take care of her today, she is pretty much able to take care of herself. The swelling on her face has gone down substantially and she is able to eat fairly well. Hopefully the worst is over. She is planning on going to school tomorrow but isn't sure about work because its hard to talk with her jaw is so sore. We'll just wait and see.
I am tired but hanging in there. I have chemo tomorrow and am ready to go. I am over the nausea and able to eat and I know they are going to be thrilled at my weight gain, even if I'm not! We work so hard after 40 to lose weight, I finally do and the doctors want me to gain it all back. The injustice! But I understand, my care team just wants to make sure I'm taking in enough calories for my body to heal.
I went to church this morning and Monte's message was wonderful. He spoke about God never giving up on us even when we give up on ourselves or each other. God is faithful and will never leave us out on a limb. We have His love and support even if we can't feel it at the time and feel abandoned. That gives me hope for tomorrow, no matter how difficult life becomes, God is not giving up on me, so I'm not giving up on me either.