Sunday, February 27, 2011


I really wanted to go to chuch today, have one more blessing put around me before the procedure on Wednesday. However, this cold I have been battling has settled in to my head good and I awoke this morning all stuffed up, coughing up gunk, sore throat, burning eyes. I thought it would be better if I stayed out of the public since there is so much going around and try to get healthy. I dug out my echinicia and am taking them along with my other regular vitamins and am drinking copious amounts of fluids. I'll probably try to sleep most the afternoon. I don't know if a cold will affect my ability to have this procedure, but I'm not taking any chances, I'm going to do everything I can to get well and get well soon.

I have my skipped dose of Avastin tomorrow too and I need to be healthy for that, I am sure my immune system is currently working in overtime trying to get well. Thinking of it, I should probably have called the doc on Friday and got my blood work done to see if I needed an immune system boost. But, we will know tomorrow. The plan is Avastin tomorrow and on Tuesday I'll have PT and am going to go see a psychotherapist to help me deal with some of the issues unique to cancer patients. Then I want to try to do my exercise class, depending on how I feel and then its off to Seattle. I am glad that my procedure is bright and early, get it done and over with and back home. The only thing I am apprehensive about is the frame they are going to bolt on to my head, but sedation should work wonders.

Since I can't go to church today I am asking for an extra round of prayers to get me healthy and keep me well and for this procedure to be successful. It may be awhile before I see the positive effects of the Gammaknife. There may be swelling which will cause me to get worse before I get better. There shouldn't be any bleeding, but there is always a chance, so we really want to avoid that side affect. Brain bleeds are not a good thing!

So today I will rest and work to get well so that I am ready for everything this week. Its going to be a busy one! Say lots of prayers, God is listening and this time I hope his answer is "yes" you are healed!