I am feeling very week and trembly today. I worry that a seizure is on the horizon so I am keeping my beeper close around my neck just in case. I am on so much seizure medication that I can't imagine actually having one, but I am erring on the cautious side just in case, using my cane. I just remember back to a few weeks ago and how incredibly horrifying it was. The most terrifying thing I have ever experienced. I thought I might die. So, I'm awful glad to be here still!
I go over to the cancer center at 11:45 to get that skipped dose of Avastin and wish I felt better. Maybe its just this cold I'm fighting and is sapping all my energy making me very shakey and weak. I'll keep taking my vitamins! I checked the weather and there is going to be snow and rain on the pass tomorrow so it might be slow going. I may skip my exercise class and just head out after my therapy to give us plenty of time less the pass get closed for any period of time. I have to make it to Seattle tomorrow I need this procedure on Wednesday. I want these tumors gone!
There is wi-fi at the hospital, so I will keep you updated on the procedure. If you want to see how it is done you can google "gammaknife" and it goes through the steps. I still think the worst part is going to be bolting the frame to my head, thank God for sedation!
Say prayers for safe travel and a successful procedure and for me to come out of this tumor free!