Monday, March 1, 2010

Congrats to Canada

Despite proudly displaying my flag, wearing my USA shirt and star earrings, the USA didn’t win, but it was a GREAT game. I think it ended up the way it was supposed to. I mean, if the US had won, we would have been really happy but we would not have had 40 million people coast to coast celebrating deep into the night. No, it was Canada’s game, Canada’s win and Canada’s night. I am happy for our northern friends. And that it was that sweet Sid Crosby who had the winning goal, well, that just makes it even more palatable. I sure enjoyed spending the afternoon with my parents watching the game, eating snacks and enjoying each others company. Always a good time.

I finally took my car over to the car wash yesterday right after the hockey game, before it had gotten too busy yet. It was in dire need of a car wash. It was absolutely disgusting, worse than I have ever let my car get. It wasn’t that I didn’t have the gift card to go over and clean it, it was just I never felt good enough to sit while the car was being washed. Yesterday was a nice day, and I had taken extra anti-nausea medicine because I was eating all my mother’s fabulous snacks so I was up to a few minutes of sitting in the sun waiting for my car.

It was a beautiful weekend, and I think the sunshine helped to chase away some of that darkness that continues to haunt me. I am feeling a little bit better, not a lot, but in small degrees. I am trying to manage my medications better to manage the symptoms better. I want to call Michelle and see if we can get something to manage my pain better, I hate taking all these pills. Something time released that I don’t have to take quite so often that will still manage the pain. My brother has a recommendation from when he had cancer, so I am hoping maybe what worked for him will work for me.

I continue the shots through Saturday night now. I have blood work again on Wednesday, and we’ll know then what my counts are and if we need to add more shots. I hope not. Mike and I are SO ready to be done with those shots.

Well I’m hoping to work a few hours this week; we’ll see how my body stands up and how my blood counts end up. If nothing else, I’ll continue to work a little bit from home. It’s always good to feel useful.

Keep me in your prayers that I keep getting better and am able to have my chemo on March 11th and then after that….clear CT. I long with all my heart to hear the words “all clear.” I dream about it, it is the one thing that gets me through each day. Those words are out there looming in the distance. I know they are there, rolling around the universe, just waiting to be spoken.