I have to say this round is not near as awful as the last round. I am tired, achy, nauseous, but mostly I am exhausted. I can barely keep my eyes open. I am so incredibly tired. I went to bed last night at 8pm and didn’t get up until noon today. I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep. Last round I laid in bed and prayed for the day to be over in hopes the next day would be better. So, this is a far cry better!
I am taking it very easy. I don’t eat much since I’m so queasy, but am getting in a little food here and there. I make sure to stay well hydrated. I got up and showered while Peyton was here between work and school, so I would have someone in the house in the event I fell or slipped. I’m so weak I don’t want to do anything like that when I am in the house by myself.
Tonight is the Vienna Boys Choir. I bought the tickets way back in the fall and I told Mike that until I was puking, I was going. We’ll, I’m not puking, so I’m going! Like I said before, I’m weak and tired, but I can just put my head in Mike’s lap and enjoy the music. I can’t wait.
All things considered, I’m doing quite well. Say your prayers that I don’t get any worse than I am now, and this will be a piece of cake!