Hello all! I'm back home again, and grateful to be here! I had a few challenges coming home, my flight was delayed in Seattle, but we made it back only a few minutes late, they made great time on the final leg of the trip! Mike had a game so Mom, dad and Peyton picked me up, and I was so happy to see my family. I missed them.
Peyton had a really tough time at the dentist on Tuesday so at 2pm while at the SF airport ready to board the plane, she called me in a total meltdown. It was awful not to be there to help her through and to hold her hand. I'll never let her go to the dentist again by herself. Thanks to Willamette Dental she is so traumatized by the Dentist she can't handle it yet. I am not a Willamette fan, not at all. They are terrible dentists. So I have her going to a pediatric dentist and the first trip went well, but apparently if I wasn't sitting right there supervising, they weren't quite a gentle or sensitive. They will be hearing from me. She has terrible anxiety, they knew it, and put a Novocaine shot right in front of her eyes, didn't even hide it from her. Not cool. And without me there to talk her down, it just didn't go well. Mommy ain't happy, so they are not going to be happy when they talk to me!!
The final day of the conference was excellent. They ended with a humorist who was hilarious. I was so glad that I stayed for the final speaker and didn't try to leave early. It allowed me to leave on such a high note. We hit the Giardhelli Chocolaete store on our way out of town and got some really yummy chocolate! It was great. Perfect gifts.
I pushed the whole trip hard and did everything I wanted to do, and don't regret one moment. I knew coming home that my counts had not rebounded like I would have liked them to and sure enough, at the Doctor this morning my platelets have only come up from 43 to 95, where they need to be 100 to do the chemo. Since it is only 5 points low, they are going to let me go ahead and get my chemo tomorrow. I am still down on my reds which means I'm anemic and my white count is border line. So I'm going into this chemo with the worst counts so far, so its going to be pretty tough this round. Mike is going to be giving me nupogen shots over the weekend and I have an order for labwork in case my counts totally drop at the coast. I know my counts well enough that they won't be allowed to do anything withou the input of the primary care cancer physicians. They know the treatment and plan, a doctor out of the ED at the Oregon cost simply can't know the plan. I am hoping I can advoid a platelet transfusion, say your prayers.
After this dose, I'm off to the Coast on Sunday. I can't wait. My son got a job at Pizza Hut (Yea) so he may not be able to go. Elena cannot get the time off work, and with the chemo being so hard on me, I probably won't take Jessie. I think it will be too much for me to handle a two year old on my own for 4 days. I think I'm goin to be too tired and too sick to be able to do it. It makes me sad because he would be so much fun at the coast, but I have to watch out for my own heath.
Got a ton of work done today, but there is so much more to do! I got alot done but will probably go in for a few on Friday to go over the deails of everything next week with Wendy. There is alot of meetings!!
More tomorrow. I'm exchausted and need to go to beddy bye. God Blesss!